Preparing for HTI-2 Compliance:
What EHR and Health IT Vendors Need to Know
Presented by:

Nick Barger, PharmD
Vice President, Product

Tyler Higgins
Senior Director, Product Management

Staying ahead of regulatory changes has never been more important for EHR and Health IT vendors. With the proposed HTI-2 rule from the newly renamed ASTP (formerly known as the ONC), significant updates are on the horizon.
Certification and compliance with HTI-2 is not optional—failure to meet these standards could have significant financial consequences for your clients.
So join us for a webinar that will focus on the key policy updates introduced by HTI-2, including the required upgrades to NCPDP SCRIPT version 2023011 and the mandatory support for Electronic Prior Authorization (ePA), Structured and Codified Sig, and Real-Time Prescription Benefit (RTPB).
You'll walk away from this webinar with:
- A thorough understanding of the critical updates in HTI-2, including the new mandatory standards and certifications.
- A timeline for compliance and how this aligns with the recent CMS final rule on electronic prescribing.
- New knowledge about the impact on "Base EHR" qualifications and why meeting these new standards is essential for your clients.
- Practical advice on aligning your development roadmaps with these upcoming regulatory requirements.