
Award-Winning Solutions. Top-Ranked Satisfaction.


Partner Satisfaction

See how our integrated solutions can help you innovate faster, generate new revenue streams, and gain back product and technical resources for your strategic initiatives.


When market trends are forcing change faster than ever, you need a reliable partner by your side.  

More than 300 EHRs count on us to help solve their customers’ challenges, accelerate innovation, and meet industry mandates. Here’s what they say about partnering with DrFirst: 

Say Integrations Improved Regulatory Compliance & Quality Measures

Say Partnership Enriched Company Mission & Product Value

Say APIs Reduced Development Burden


Say Solutions Boosted Business Strategy and Innovation

Source: Techvalidate Survey 2021

Outsource Your Challenges

You can’t do everything and be good at it! Vendors that rely on DrFirst can quickly expand core technology, enhance functionality, achieve certifications, retain customers, and spark new sales of their systems.

Watch the video to learn how our network of industry partners, connections, and solutions help you solve big customer problems and grow your business in a fiercely competitive market.

Strong Partnerships Bring the Best Results
Let us know how we can help you!